Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Long Lost Line

I can't believe that Lost only has seven hours to go. I'm guessing the two-hour finale will feature all the characters, but that leaves five hours left which will concentrate on an individual. We know next week is Hurley's, which will complete all the main characters we saw land at LAX in the season debut. So who will be the Final Four?

I've heard that one show will go back to the original days of Jacob and MIB, so I guess that takes care of one hour (and quite an hour it'll be). The rest I can't guess. Will we get a second helping of Jack, Locke or Kate? (Better not be Kate or the fans will mutiny.) Will Claire finally get another show? Will Miles or Lapidus have their say? Will we finally learn the mysterious origins of Ilana? Will we have another island flashback and learn more about Widmore and Eloise? Will we have a shock episode of Bernard and Rose, or Nikki and Paulo? Will we finally get Libby's backstory?

I really don't know where they'll go, though if I had to pick one name, it seems there's a lot left to tell about how Ilana got to where she is, and, to paraphrase Red Buttons, she's never had an hour.

PS Looks like there won't be a new lost on Tuesday, April 27th. How dare they break up the season?

PPS Here's an odd video recapping the latest episode, narrated by a muppet Pierre Chang.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's go back and see the origin of the Hanso and De Groot interest in the island.

11:30 AM, April 10, 2010  

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