Sunday, December 05, 2010

Later On, We'll Conspire

Detroit's Wayne State University has yanked its Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity Award.  Ever since she said Jews should "get the hell out" of Israel--not the Palestinian territories, as is often reported--she's become an embarrassment. (Actually, she's been an embarrassment for much longer, but people were willing to look the other way.) But her latest statement completely tore it: "We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. There's no question about that.  Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists."

Unfortunately, what she's saying is a not uncommon sentiment, in America and around the world.  But it's nothing new.  Blaming a small group of Jews (yes, Jews--if these Zionists aren't Jews, she should say so) who secretly run everything is an old refrain. (And if it's not done secretly, then I wish she'd give particular names and groups and say specifically how and when they brainwashed or bought off people's minds--of course, this would show how ridiculous her argument is, or worse, get her involved in a serious discussion of the Middle East.) These accusations are generally accompanied by a movement to attack these Jews who allegedly cause all these problems--either by law or by war.

Which leads to the question: If the Jews are so good at pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, why isn't their top priority getting everyone off their backs?


Anonymous Lawrence King said...

Most conspiracy theorists have exactly the odd combination you have identified: (1) An incredibly powerful cabal controls almost every aspect of life on this planet, and all the great people who have tried to fight them have failed. (2) Me and my friends will defeat them.

Some of my friends used to be in the John Birch Society back during the Cold War. They explained to me that the Republicans, Democrats, Communists, and Nazis are all pawns in a conspiracy run by the Illuminati and the heirs of Cecil Rhodes, and we visited a Birch bookstore that solds books like None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Yet they never seemed to realize that the fact that nobody was putting a bullet through the bookseller's head and burning all his books disproved the content of those very books.

7:48 PM, December 05, 2010  
Anonymous Lawrence King said...

P.S. Love your subject line.

7:51 PM, December 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you get it, man? That's just what they *want* you to think. Just like Warren Beatty in the Parallax View.

11:28 AM, December 06, 2010  

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