Saturday, September 05, 2020

Thinking Of Ending

So I watched I'm Thinking Of Ending Things.  I found it smart and intriguing. It's also confusing, depressing and long. It would have died if released theatrically.  But hey, that's what Netflix is for.

I don't want to give anything away, but let me note I did feel the strange things happening were explained by the end.  I checked some internet explanations and they confirmed what I thought. (Many had also read the book, which writer-director Charlie Kaufman based the movie on--he basically follows the plot, though he puts in his own twists and significantly changes the ending.)

I suggest you watch the movie before you read the explanations.  One I read was in Vanity Fair.  It did a decent job, but said this:

One song in particular, "People Will Say We're In Love," about a what-if romance between handsome cowhand Curly and spunky farm girl Laurey, is piped into the car...

Sorry, but the song is "Many A New Day."


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