Friday, September 12, 2008

And His Speeches Will Increase Our IQ

Here's a short interview with Art Goldberg, a local who spends a lot of his time protesting. I was more interested in his views on the Presidential race than the war. For instance, he thinks Obama will win, but he knows if he doesn't it's due to racism.

Not that he's a huge fan. As he puts it:"I don’t have great faith in [Obama] as a capitalist politician, but I do think his election would go a long way toward fighting racism in this country."

Now there's a popular idea--Obama's election alone would significantly fight racism. I'd like to know how. Would it be something like this?:

African-American: I have grievances based on how I'm treated due to my race.

White Person: Hey, stop whining, a black man is President.

African-American: Good point. Sorry.

Or does it work in the other direction?

White Person: I'm a racist. I'm surprised Obama won, since I voted for McCain, figuring there were a lot of others like me, and, as we all know, a McCain win is only possible due to racism. But now that everything is exactly as it was before except my guy lost, I'm starting to like black people more--I mean, hey, a black President, even one I resent, and one who puts forward civil rights programs I oppose, really moves me in ways black Senators, Representatives, Secretaries of State and Supreme Court Justices don't.


Blogger VermontGuy said...

From a historical or symbolic standpoint, electing a black (or woman) President - irrespective of policy or ability to govern - might be a good thing. As a practical matter, it's meaningless.

What matters is how he/she will govern.

No one will be able to wave a magic wand and make racism - imagined or otherwise - disappear. Obama, if elected, will actually have the more difficult time of it. No one will expect McCain to do anything about racism, but Obama's constituents may very well say, "Okay, we put you in office. How are you going to help us out?"

Here's a trick question: Obama has hinted that some sort of "educational reparations" may be in order to help bridge the gap between white and black kids in this country.

If I oppose that idea and don't want to vote for him because of it, does that make me a racist?

5:53 AM, September 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guess is people will feel good about Obama being black for about a week, and then, when they realize everything is still the same, they'll be more depressed than ever.

12:30 PM, September 12, 2008  

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