Friday, October 17, 2008

Who's Joe?

A lot of people are saying "Joe The Plumber" isn't a plumber. (They're not jumping so fast to note the legendary shout of "kill him" at a Palin rally seems not to have happened--I wonder why?) Turns out Joe is "an unlicensed and unregistered employee of a small plumbing and heating company."

Same difference.

But the real point is, it's not about Joe's profession. It's about Senator Government telling the public he wants to "spread the wealth."

When a lot of Americans hear that, a chill goes down their spine.


Blogger VermontGuy said...

More than just a chill, I suspect. Right now, Americans are being shown what happens to people who have the temerity to disagree with "The One".

What, "Joe" is not his real name? He's not really a plumber? OMG, he's got tax liens? And all of it duly reported by the Obama arm of the press as though it's news.

At least Sarah Palin had a rough idea of what to expect when she joined the campaign. Apparently, the Nutroots idea of privacy extends only as far as a properly progressive woman's vagina.

Okay, who's ready to ask His Holiness a question? Anyone?


5:57 AM, October 17, 2008  
Blogger QueensGuy said...

Hold on a sec. The guy makes a claim at an Obama event that's caught on camera: I can't buy and run a small business under your tax policies, Sen. Obama. McCain decided on the spur of the moment (as usual), with no due diligence, to thrust this guy into the debate as an exemplar. Presumably not because McCain gives a crap about the guy's situation, but because he's dying for any channel but FoxNews to pick up on the "spread the wealth" comment.

But once McCain does so, it's not at all relevant that none of the facts of the story stand up to even minimal scrutiny?

How's this? Don't ask questions of political candidates, on camera, in the middle of a heated election, if you're thoroughly full of shit. I'd ask whatever I pleased of either one of them with no fear. Know why? I'm not a liar.

6:43 AM, October 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real lesson here is to go into plumbing. If "Joe" can clear over $250K after expenses, imagine what a licensed plumber can make.

8:52 AM, October 17, 2008  
Blogger LAGuy said...

The point is we got Obama off script for ten seconds, and it scared a lot of people. I'd prefer they spend a whole debate talking about it over hearing another hour of canned lines.

PS I remember when I was in law school getting a letter from a friend showing me how I'd make more money in the long run if I become a plumber.

10:36 AM, October 17, 2008  
Blogger QueensGuy said...

I hear "spread the wealth" as shorthand/colloquial speech for "make the income tax rates more progressive again." You hear it as the secret socialist within. Well, my guess is we'll have a chance to see who's right.

Re plumbing, I believe I got that same letter.

2:34 PM, October 17, 2008  
Blogger VermontGuy said...

Bullshit. The video of "Joe" was all over the place before the debate.

And just what facts are we talking about? The man is approached by a Presidential candidate and asks a question. I don't care if the question is hypothetical, real or somewhere in between. The question is I'm thinking of buying a business and will I pay higher taxes under your plan?

The candidate's answer turns into a gaffe with his "spread the wealth" comment. And for this, it's justified that the man who asked the question becomes the object of an internet and media witch hunt that would make Torquemada blush?

I don't care if you're cleaner that Ivory soap, QG, you wouldn't want that attention and I wouldn't wish it on you.

Is this what's become of representative democracy? Make sure you have your ducks in a row before you ask the candidate a question?

4:17 PM, October 17, 2008  
Blogger QueensGuy said...

The candidate's answer turns into a gaffe with his "spread the wealth" comment. And for this, it's justified that the man who asked the question becomes the object of an internet and media witch hunt that would make Torquemada blush?

No, not "for that." There was no press on his lawn until John McCain mentioned the man's name twenty one times on a tv program that 50 million people tuned in to. Do you seriously believe he would have faced the Spanish Inquisition (which nobody expects) absent that hammering away by McCain? Heck, McCain himself apologized to Joe for it on Letterman Thursday night.

Finally, let's not feel so sorry for Joe. He seems to be loving the attention. The running joke on the intarwebs is that "Joe the plumber has now held more press conferences than Sarah Palin." As the kids say, it's funny 'cause it's true.

1:53 AM, October 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually the joke is Joe The Plumber has had more media scrutiny in two days than Barack Obama got in two years.

2:56 AM, October 18, 2008  
Blogger VermontGuy said...

From what I've seen and heard of him, he seems like a decent guy and I hope he comes out of this all right. But that is beside the point.

By changing the focus from Obama's answer (which is what garnered the attention in the first place) to the questioner, Obama supporters and the media (but, as Mark Twain would say, "I repeat myself") are sending a not-so-subtle message: Don't f**k with us or we'll shove a John Holmes-size microphone us your ass and broadcast it to the world.

This is intimidation, pure and simple.

And maybe you're comfortable with it, QG, but if I ever see Obama in my neighborhood (and trust me, Burlington is his kinda town) I will shut my windows and lock my doors. He brings way too much baggage with him.

3:38 AM, October 18, 2008  

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