Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nairobi Trio

Ernie Kovacs died on January 13, 1962, in a car accident. I often wonder if he would have continued being an innovator, or if his best years were behind him. One thing's for sure--there was no one else like him.


Blogger New England Guy said...

I once read a National Lampoon article that Ernie Kovacs was exactly 4 years 5 months 1 week and 6 days ahead of his time. (or some other similar numbers)

I remember there was a big retrospective on him when I was in high-school- they reran his shows (UHF? PBS?- I don't remember) I though he was creepy and weird but I mean that in a good way

9:09 AM, January 13, 2010  
Blogger LAGuy said...

Another witty jab from NatLamp.

Kovacs certainly used the medium of TV as few others did. You really don't capture him by seeing his work in the movies where he was just another character actor.

Bob Newhart used to have a routine about an astronaut who goes to Mars and says the inhabitants are more advanced than us. They ask how much more and he says something like about 18 months, because they had a certain type of razor and he didn't see it back on earth until about a year or so later.

He said he liked this bit but it never worked.

When Billy Wilder first met Erich von Stroheim, he told him how he was ten years ahead of his time. Twenty, von Stroheim replied.

3:57 PM, January 13, 2010  

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