Thursday, January 14, 2010

Let's Make A Deal

Bad enough when environmentalists make shaky connections between their beliefs and bad weather. It's really going too far when religious figures claim natural disasters are due to diabolical curses.

But that seems to be Pat Robertson's theory. As he puts it:

Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French ... and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French.' "True story. And the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal.' ...Ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after another.

I'm still a little unclear on what sort of deal was made. When it comes to such compacts, you've got three main kinds:

1. Your basic deal with the devil. You receive whatever worldly goods or services you want in exchange for your soul, due upon your death. Generally, you get what you ask for and the devil won't punish you during your lifetime, since he owns you afterward. But you still have to be careful about the terms, even though he seems to have the best of it in any case, as he's also willing to screw you over while you receive what's promised. (He is the devil, after all.) This makes me wonder if the contract is enforceable, since there doesn't seem to be a meeting of the minds. (And in some cases, you can screw over the devil by deathbed conversion--so actually the devil is making a deal for something he can't be guaranteed.)

2. The Monkey's Paw. As implied above, sometimes you don't quite get what you expected. In a Monkey's Paw sort of deal, you're promised something (and don't have to give up anything) but the exact words of your wish are fulfilled in ways you quickly regret.

3. A generational pact. This is rarer than the others, but does occur occasionally. Here, an entire group of people make a deal which they, or their descendants, pay for later. It may seem odd that a future generations can be bound, even condemned, by the decisions of their ancestors, but that's the way it goes.

Now I'm not sure precisely what sort of deal Robertson is referring to, but what I want to know is where does the curse come from? Is it the devil, messing with the people (or descendants of the people) who made the deal? Or did the Haitians go in with their eyes open, understanding they'd throw off French but pay for it afterwards? Or is it some righteous force in heaven, punishing the pactmakers; in other words, the devil came through, but the Haitians are being punished by a third party, as a reminder not to sign with Beelzebub to begin with.


Blogger VermontGuy said...

A generational pact, eh? That sounds like what the Democrats are trying to do with health care. You don't suppose...

4:51 AM, January 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss it when the Republicans use to let this guy speak at convention. I t would be good source of giggles if someone would force Sarah Palin to comment on this

9:53 AM, January 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Dr. Currie, for your wise words.

12:55 PM, January 14, 2010  
Anonymous Lawrence King said...

Wow, I thought this was all in Robertson's fevered imagination. But apparently the basic story he tells is rooted in truth. The Haitian revolution of 1791 did begin with a voodoo ritual involving a blood pact that was supposed to last for two hundred years.

[cite 1] [cite 2] [cite 3]

Of course, the identification of Haitian Voodoo with Satanism or devil-worship is debatable, but the instigator of the rebellion did apparently intend some kind of bargain with some dark force or being, with promises made on both sides. But since that expired in either 1991 or 2004, I think the connection is dubious. Unless, as the second cite above claims, Aristide renewed the bargain when he formally renounced Christianity and embraced voodoo.

But even if all these tales are historical, I still reject the conclusion. According to Luke 13:1-5, Jesus rejected the idea that those who suffer in this world (either at the hands of tyrants or as a result of natural disasters) are being punished for their sins. I wonder if Pat Robertson has a copy of that book?

7:58 PM, January 14, 2010  
Anonymous Lawrence King said...

Or, to put it more concisely: the guy is batshit insane.

8:09 PM, January 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This pact with the devil stuff is nonsense.

2:16 AM, January 16, 2010  

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