Tasing Does Not Make You A Better Person
Since it's caught ColumbusGuy's attention, I thought I'd actually comment on Andrew Meyer:
Meyer's the "Don’t tase me, bro’" dude, and he's given an interview to the mainstream press. He complains about today's tabloid journalism and I have to admit, that they'd be so respectful of this fool to let him rave without challenge, suggests they do have problems.
He explains just what he wanted to ask Senator Kerry:
1) Why did Kerry concede the election when he'd clearly won?
2) Why hasn't Congress impeached Bush for illegally going to war?
3) Does the fact that both Kerry and Bush were (allegedly) in Skull and Bones at Yale have anything to do with Kerry's inaction regarding questions #1 and #2.
In other words, Meyer has nothing to add to the public debate. But even crackpots can ask questions at forums. The trouble is, he started ranting and speechifying, and wouldn't shut up--anyone would have been led away for acting like that. Would others have been tased? I don't know what the standard is for that, but I do know if you keep shouting while resisting arrest, you can't expect to be treated too well.
Meyer continues in his unchecked arrogance:
Politicians are not used to being asked the hard questions. I think free speech has been willfully discarded to an extent by American journalists. They have stopped asking questions that matter. Maybe their refusal to be vocal is what makes my outburst look so surprising in contrast.So it's us who have a lesson to learn, not him.
Meyer believes "this whole experience has been an opportunity for me to learn and become a better, more complete person." Replace "person" with "jerk" and he might have something.